Unlocking Vision Wellness:

Expert eye care insights and tips from Arthur Hayes Opticians

Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

Ready Readers vs Prescription Lenses: A Comprehensive Guide

If you need glasses for reading or you have presbyopia whereby you need lenses for both reading and seeing things clearly in the distance, there are several choices of lenses to suit your needs. It’s important to make sure your lenses meet your vision needs to ensure the sharpest and most comfortable vision throughout the day.

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Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

How to clean your micro fibre lens cloth

Have you ever thought about cleaning the cloth that you use for cleaning your spectacle lenses? You should always use a proper cloth for your spectacle lens cleaning, but after a while, it does get dirty. Do you throw it away and get a new one? It is not necessary. Here are a few tips on how you can wash your cloth and reuse it.

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Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

8 Tips for Protecting Your Eyes & Keeping Them Healthy

Sometimes, we tend to forget how much we depend on our vision. Maintaining good health includes the protection of our eyes. Even though vision problems are often caused by age-related eye conditions, it does not mean we can neglect to care for our sight, even when we are youn’re young.

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Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

Unlocking the Mysteries of Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common ocular defect that occurs when the curvature of the cornea or lens is not symmetrical or uniform. It is usually a minor eye condition that many people will have to some extent, especially those who wear glasses. However, symptoms can be mild and vision correction is not always needed.

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Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

Cataract: Unveiling the facts, symptoms & treatment

A cataract is a cloudy area in the lens of your eye. Most* cataracts are caused by normal changes in your eyes as you get older. At around age 40, the proteins in the lens of your eye start to break down and clump together. This clumping makes a cloudy area in your lens termed a cataract. Over time, the cataract gets more severe and clouds more of the lens.

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Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

OCT as standard on all eye tests

OCT or Optical Coherence Tomography is now the gold standard of ocular health examination. While at Arthur Hayes, this technology has been available in practice for 8 years it has always been offered as an extra rather than as routine. However, during your routine eye examination, an OCT will now be performed, where physically possible, to allow us to see more than we’ve been able to see before.

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Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

Unlocking Clarity: Strategies to Prevent Myopia Progression

Patients often get confused between short and long-sightedness. Not surprising really as the terminology is confusing. So here are the facts:

Short sight (nearsightedness) is myopia – myopia is the terminology most optometrists use.

Long sight (farsightedness) is hyperopia (hypermetropia) – hyperopia is the terminology most optometrists use.

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Eye care Lucinda Howard Eye care Lucinda Howard

Understanding the science of Blue Light-Blocking Lenses

I  want to focus on blue light spectacle lens filters this month. It has become apparent that social media is awash with adverts for blue light filter spectacles which have varying claims of screen protection and success. It is no surprise that savvy companies have seen a gap in the market for eyewear that claims to aid visual comfort when looking at any screen for hours on end.

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