How to Relieve Digital Eye Strain

Explore practical strategies and exercises to alleviate symptoms of digital eye strain caused by prolonged screen use. In today’s digital age, prolonged screen time is inevitable, whether for work, entertainment, or staying connected. However, this often leads to computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. Symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. Here are some practical tips and exercises to help you manage and alleviate the discomfort caused by extended screen use.

Woman struggling with Digital Eye Strain

Understanding Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) encompasses a range of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged screen time. Factors contributing to CVS include poor lighting, glare on the screen, improper viewing distances, poor seating posture, and uncorrected vision problems. Understanding the root causes of CVS can help find effective relief solutions.

Managing Screen Fatigue

Screen fatigue is common among people who spend long hours in front of computers or other digital devices. Here are some strategies to manage and reduce screen fatigue:

Adjust Screen Settings: Ensure your screen brightness is sufficiently bright and light. Adjusting the contrast to a comfortable level can also help reduce strain. Use blue light filters or apps that adjust screen temperature to reduce eye fatigue.

Ergonomic Workspace: Create an ergonomic workspace with proper lighting to minimise glare. Position your screen about 20-30 inches away from your eyes and slightly below eye level to reduce neck strain.

Regular Breaks: Incorporate regular breaks into your work routine. Stand up, stretch, and walk around to reduce fatigue and promote circulation.

The 20-20-20 Rule - Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. This helps relax the eye muscles and reduce fatigue.

Blinking Exercises—Blinking frequently keeps the eyes moist and can prevent dryness and irritation. Blink every four seconds to maintain natural moisture when using a screen.

Use Anti-reflective Coatings: Anti-reflective coatings on your glasses can minimise screen glare and reduce eye strain.

Eye Strain Relief Techniques: In addition to exercises and ergonomic adjustments, there are several techniques you can use for immediate eye strain relief:

Using artificial tears can alleviate dryness and provide relief from irritation. For frequent use, please make sure you choose preservative-free options.

Proper Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for overall eye health. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain adequate eye moisture levels.

Digital Eye Care Best Practices: Adopting good digital eye care habits can prevent the onset of computer vision syndrome and promote long-term eye health. Here are some best practices:

Regular Eye Exams: Schedule regular eye exams to monitor your vision and update your prescription if necessary. Early detection of vision problems can prevent the worsening of digital eye strain.

Wear Appropriate Eyewear: Consider using computer glasses with blue light protection or lenses designed specifically for screen use. These can significantly reduce eye strain and improve visual comfort.

Optimise Screen Time: Limit unnecessary screen time and take frequent breaks to rest your eyes. Engage in activities that do not involve screens, such as reading a book or going for a walk.

Proper Lighting: Ensure your workspace is well-lit with natural or ambient lighting. Avoid harsh fluorescent lights and reduce glare by using blinds or curtains.


Digital eye strain is a prevalent issue in our screen-dominated world, but with the right strategies and exercises, you can alleviate its symptoms and maintain optimal eye health. You can enjoy prolonged screen time without compromising your vision by understanding computer vision syndrome and implementing effective eye care practices. Please prioritise regular eye exams and ergonomically adjust your workspace to ensure long-term comfort and eye health.

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